Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Leadership Guest - July 7th, 2009

Mr. Barry Litun, Superintendent of Schools for Lethbridge School District #51, shared leadership insight with our IT Leadership cohort the afternoon of July 7th. From the onset, a few things were clear:
• An sincere interest in people was demonstrated with introductions with each member of the class. This people and relationship focused leadership vision continued throughout the talk.
• A sincere interest in education was demonstrated as we were informed our visit was right on the onset of overseas summer travel. Mr. Litun was enthusiastic about engaging in conversations and answering questions.

Why is IT important from this district perspective? His answer was clear, because technology is here to stay and not a passing trend. While this is true across fields, in education the next clear challenge is maintaining IT Leadership because once the infrastructure is here, so too must the ideas, training, and pedagogical basis develop alongside software and hardware.

Another key message, related to technology, that was often referred back to, was equitable access to technology for students. A long term vision for equitable access was seen as crucial for districts in responding to demands from both school boards and the province. Specific to technology initiatives, is thought to platform continuity in achieving sustainability. While an ability for weathering calamities was seen as an asset for IT leaders, the focus of our discussion related more to having a clear vision and the ability to take researched successes and fit them to specific contexts and scenarios.

Our readings of Fullan were certainly confirmed. Time and time again Mr. Litun recognized the value of building relationships, and networking (between schools, leaders, contacts). While specific initiatives were described in great detail, some overarching approaches to transformation and change were clear: transparency, community engagement, as well as clear and purposeful communication with those involved in change initiatives.

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